Let’s face it…
…we aren’t aging the way our parents’ generation did. We are all living much longer and more active lives.
We certainly have more choices open to us than ever before. It’s time to shift our priorities, to focus on what really matters, and realize how much freedom we have in this “Second Act” of our lives. To decide that we have authority over our own lives.
And no matter what you call us – perennials, mid-lifers, the ageless generation – we are women in our prime!

From the Blog
10 ways your small actions can make an impact
Small actions often lead to giant ripples. Each tiny act of kindness can have a big impact on others in ways you may never imagine.
Copyright Laws Part 1- are you using copyright free images?
Many people find Google Images to be an easy way to find a photo or illustration for their blog or website. They assume those images are free to use. But they couldn't be more wrong!
Think before you speak
I prefer to be called a “vintage” rider, but the fact remains, I am probably the oldest person riding at the barn where I keep my horse. (Huh. I almost wrote “who still rides” but I just don’t like the implication that it’s some kind of amazing accomplishment to...