Why you should not “Copy and Paste” on Facebook
Why do some Facebook posts specifically tell people not to re-share them, but rather, to copy and paste their content into new posts? I think that we've all had our "friends" post items they ask you to copy and paste rather than share. Well, of course, they...
2025 is shaping up to be an interesting New Year!
Last year I posted about resolutions and what I was looking forward to doing in 2024. I still have the tradition of making at least one resolution I know I will be able to keep. Last year, I decided to avoid being the first woman to scale the CN Tower...
6 Tips and Tricks to Increase Your Tomato Yield
Tomatoes have always been one of my favourite plants to grow. They come in so many colours, shapes, and flavours, they can add visual appeal as well as luscious fruit to your garden. And I enjoy sharing the harvest with family and friends. I want to make...
So – a New Year and a fresh start.
Many people make New Year’s resolutions, only to falter and fail long before the year is out. So I have created a tradition of making at least one resolution I know I will be able to keep.
10 things to do before you publish your post
Full disclosure: I am a very disorganized person. I don’t always get my posts written when I want to, or as often as I should, and they certainly don’t follow any schedule.
Abundance in your life
There are days when you look around your life and you think there is no abundance there. None. Nada. Rien.
But if you look really close, there always is.
10 ways your small actions can make an impact
Small actions often lead to giant ripples. Each tiny act of kindness can have a big impact on others in ways you may never imagine.
Copyright Laws Part 1- are you using copyright free images?
Many people find Google Images to be an easy way to find a photo or illustration for their blog or website. They assume those images are free to use. But they couldn't be more wrong!
Think before you speak
I prefer to be called a “vintage” rider, but the fact remains, I am probably the oldest person riding at the barn where I keep my horse. (Huh. I almost wrote “who still rides” but I just don’t like the implication that it’s some kind of amazing accomplishment to...